\( \DeclarePairedDelimiter{\abs}{\lvert}{\rvert} \DeclarePairedDelimiter{\gen}{\langle}{\rangle} \DeclareMathOperator{\End}{End} \DeclareMathOperator{\H}{H} \DeclareMathOperator{\PSL}{PSL} \DeclareMathOperator{\PSU}{PSU} \DeclareMathOperator{\Syl}{Syl} \DeclareMathOperator{\rad}{rad} \DeclareMathOperator{\soc}{soc} \)

Jack Saunders

I do maths sometimes.
J [dot] P [dot] Saunders [at] bristol.ac.uk

Not a picture of me


Modular Representation Theory - TCC

I taught a course in modular representation theory via the TCC in the 2024/25 academic year. The course largely follows Alperin's Local Representation Theory as a means to give a relatively quick introduction to the area. A basic understanding of group theory is required, along with the basic ring theory one would typically find in a first course in algebra. An understanding of ordinary representation theory or the theory of modules over a ring would be helpful but is not required.

The main materials for the course are given below. Everything should be contained in the typed lecture notes.

Vague changelog for online notes

This is a list of any nontrivial changes made to the lecture notes since their creation. Some changes may still be made to the notes without being listed here, but they are typically purely cosmetic and certainly have no impact on the mathematics.

The final lecture of the course was on 3rd December 2024.


The exam for the course is here and was due on 10th January 2025. Solutions may be found here.